Monday, December 13, 2010

We're Not In Kansas Anymore!

Successful, HAPPY people take responsibility for their current reality. Good or bad, they own the results of their actions (or inaction) and hold themselves accountable.

You’ve created your current reality. This is actually really good news! If you had the power to get you where you are, you ALSO have the power to get yourself where you want to be. Think about it this way, if you had no ability to influence and impact the path of your life, it wouldn’t matter what actions or mindset you put in motion. But if you acknowledge and take responsibility for the things you’ve done (or have chosen not to do), you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your future. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather know I influence the oars and rudder of the boat versus just bobbing along wherever the ocean may take me. YOU, not luck or other people, decide your future.

We’re Not In Kansas Any More. It’s just like Dorothy learns in the Wizard of Oz—”You’ve had the power all along.” You’ve had the power all along to create your life. Unconsciously you’ve already been doing so. Now is the time to become conscious and deliberate about crafting the life you want and becoming the person you truly want to be.

It’s easy to play the blame game or make excuses. Blaming others (my parents never encouraged me) or our circumstances (bad economy) or making excuses (I don’t have the time) helps cushion our egos. Blaming softens the blows of mistakes and disappointments along the way and allows us to rationalize why we’re procrastinating or struggling rather than confronting the fears and doubts that hold us back. When you decide to honestly look at the reasons and excuses you give, and take responsibility for them, you’ll be able to break through to the happiness, prosperity, and peace of mind you’re yearning for.

· Who or what do you blame for the things you don’t like about your situation?

· What are the excuses and reasons you give yourself or others for why things aren’t where you’d like them to be?

The point of all of this is not for you to beat up or get down on yourself. The purpose is to see the ways you can make some small changes that will get you better results. You don’t have to go it alone! That’s why I’m here to help and support you along the way.

I really want you to let it sink in that YOU have the power to create the life you really want. You choose your life. You choose the attitude with which you approach each day and each moment. You choose your actions and reactions that set the stage and create the motion that bring your dreams to life. You choose the expectations for what is possible in your life. You choose your mindset. The universe will literally rearrange itself to provide outcomes that match the expectations you envision. I want you to get all you desire out of life! Owning your thoughts and actions can make all the difference.

Your Assignment: As always, start small. For the rest of today, just pay attention to the thoughts that cross your mind that sound like excuses or blame others. Be kind to yourself as you merely notice, but NOT adjust your thoughts. Then, from noon to 1:00 this Sunday commit to intentionally choosing your attitude, thoughts, words and actions moment to moment. If rationalizations, excuses and blaming appear, stop them in their tracks and remind your self, “I have the power to choose my life.” Then click your heels together three times and choose to move yourself in a better direction.

Find solidarity in the fact that you won’t be going it alone. Your fellow Pleaseaholics and I will all be joined in spirit for that hour as we work together to create a Better Life. I”ll be thinking about you this Sunday! I’d love to know what this experiment is like for you. Let me know how it goes!

If you want more ideas and solutions to improve your life, go to and get my Free CD, Stop Being So Hard On Yourself! Simple Steps to Becoming Happier and More Productive. Also available online: The Better Boundaries, Better Life Coaching programs and Better Boundaries, Better Life Home Study System and Marketing & Mindset Money Magnet Home Study System at
Copywrite 2010 Pleaseaholics. All rights reserved.

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Stephanie Owens is founder of and creator of the Better Boundaries, Better Life System, specializing in teaching People Pleasers how to stop being so hard on themselves and live happier, more productive lives. To get your FREE Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly articles on letting go of the disease to please and creating a mindset that attracts success, visit

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