Friday, November 5, 2010

Spring Forward, Fall Back

Spring Forward, Fall Back! Tomorrow Daylights Saving Time ends and we all get an extra hour. What are you going to do with your bonus time?

I’m planning on spending mine extra hour recovering from the amazing time I’ll have at Success Unplugged (and the after party. J) I’m so excited to be sharing the stage with so many inspirational speakers at this transformational event designed for women entrepreneurs. I’ll be talking about how fear can sabotage your success and what to do about it.

Spring Forward, Fall Back! This pneumonic device used to remember which way to move the hands of the clock at the beginning and end of daylight savings time is actually great advice. It follows the council of highly successful people. People who flourish in life share many key traits. Two of these critical characteristics are:

1) They see what needs to be done and take decisive action.
2) They don’t let fear keep them stuck.

When you have a project in front of you or see a change needs to be made, Spring Forward! Don’t question yourself or let your inner critic talk you out of your instincts. Don’t procrastinate or make excuses for why it’s not getting done. Take decisive action!

Often the reason we put things off or stay immobilized is because of an underlying fear. It could be fear of doing something wrong, fears of rejection, failure, judgment, overwhelm…the list goes on. Successful people don’t let fear keep them stuck. They feel the fear and do it anyway. However, I’d like to give you a trick to adopting this habit of successful people without having to beat yourself up against that wall of fear.

The secret to getting unstuck is to know when to Fall Back. If you can’t seem to get yourself to take the first (or next) step toward completing the project, goal or change you have in mind, then your step is too big. Fall back to a smaller, more manageable step. This loophole short circuits your fears. When a step is super small it’s not considered a threat to your ego.

As you move closer to your goal, you may run into fear-based roadblocks again and again. Instead of fizzling out, temporarily fall back; regroup and prepare to take Spring Forward again. Before you know it, you’ll be at the finish line!

Your assignment: Use the extra hour you gain this weekend to assess a project, goal or change you’ve been putting off. Decide how you’ll Spring Forward, knowing you can Fall Back on small steps to reach your destination.

If you want more ideas and solutions to improve your life, go to and get my Free CD, Stop Being So Hard On Yourself! Simple Steps to Becoming Happier and More Produtive.

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