Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Advice From a Tree

Advice From A Tree

This poem jumped out at me because it reminded me of our daughter. Since she's a tree lover it seemed lke an especially fitting way to celebrate her birthday and honor the journey of life.

It doesn't have to be your birthday, to use the message contained in this poem to celebrate your life and who you are. This poem is packed with simple lessons we can learn from nature that offer tools for living well.

Trees take in toxic carbon dioxide and they put out clean oxygen. So having lots of trees around is good for you. Take this game changing advice from a tree to remove the toxins from your life and replace it with peace and clarity.

Advice from a Tree

Stand Tall and Proud

Sink your roots deeply into the Earth

Reflect the light of a greater source

Think long term

Go out on a limb…

Be flexible

Remember your roots

Enjoy the view!”

-Ilan Shamir

1 comment:

  1. When I studied martial arts, I remember a practice where we meditated on tree-ness -- roots in the earth, swaying in the breeze, but always coming back to balance -- and then we engaged in sparring and could NOT be knocked over! Awesome.
