Friday, October 29, 2010

Business Mindset Secret: Mind Your Own Business

A defining moment in the success of my business occurred when I learned this Mindset secret.
When we set out to launch our first business over a decade ago, we almost crashed and burned before we even got started. We had reach a verbal agreement to buy an existing company, when at the last minute they agreed to sell their business to someone else. We were heart broken and angry. Nevertheless, we decided to put that in our rearview mirror and build our own company from the ground up. Now it’s easy to say we were “moving on” from a perceived offense or injury, but another to actually let go of resentment. Nevertheless its festering negativity that can be our undoing if we’re not careful.

Of course, our main competitor was the new owners of the company we’d wanted to buy. It would have been really easy to start off our company with a chip on our shoulder, a bitter attitude and an intention to destroy them. Fortunately (but not accidently, since there are no accidents) the start of our business coinsided with the beginning of my interest and learning about the law of attraction. I was new to the concept that “what you put your attention on grows, ” but I knew I didn’t want have the roots of our business planted in toxic soil. As a result, I choose to make a specific and deliberate choice to focus NOT on wanting negative things for our competitor, but on attracting magically positive outcomes for OUR business. I was discussing our business plans with a former colleague and he asked me, “Don’t you want to just take those other guys out at the knees?” I responded, “No. We’re not going to be successful if I’m distracted by trying to undermine them. We’ll put our focus on what we have the most direct influence on— growing OUR business. If in the process, we put them out of business, so be it.” And that’s what happened. By putting our positive attention on being of willing service to our clients our business grew by leaps and bounds in the first year. We multiplied our growth in the years to come, eventually becoming #1 in our industry for our area, while proudly maintaining our reputation for great service. In fact, we came to have a cooperative relationship with our competitors. This saved tons of time and energy that others may have chose to spend on mud slinging and unethical behavior.

Being deliberate about where we focused our attention was supported by a couple other key laws of attraction. By remaining mindful that there is a limitless supply of abundance in the universe, we didn’t even have a desire for the downfall of our competitors business. There’s plenty for everyone. This mindset saturates our work and sets the tone for cheerful, generous interactions, rather than bitter stinginess. Ultimately, the foundation for this is anchored in choosing to let go of fear-based thinking.

It takes a certain leap of faith to trust the universe has your back in the business world. It’s been my experience that even in business, when I ask for what I need and want the perfect resources and teachers always appear to help me along to the next destination of my journey. I’m here to attest that all good things flood to you when you genuinely connect to this truth from a Course in Miracles, “If you knew who walks beside you on the path that you have chosen, you could never ever be afraid.” You’d be amazed at what the universe has in store for you.

The Mindset Secret: Put your positive attention and intention on the good outcomes you want for your business by focusing on abundance and fear-free thinking.

Want to get serious about shifting your mindset? I recommend surrounding yourself with people who share a strong mindset too. It also really helps to have a mentor who’s been through it and can provide the encouragement and accountability that will take your and your business to the next level. Check out my group and private coaching programs and see one feels like what you need in your life right now at

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