Monday, April 4, 2011

Can you believe THIS makes people happy?

Why Aren't I Happy Yet? So many people in our society find themselves struggling to be happy. This article answers the question “Why aren’t I happy yet?” The purpose of asking why isn’t to blame or stay stuck. Rather, understanding why will help you be more compassionate with yourself so you can move forward. Plus you'll learn the simple act that shared by happy people. I couldn't believe what it was, so I want to share their secret with you too! First, we have to understand happiness is a fairly modern phenomenon to seek happiness. Through most of history people have been scraping by just to meet basic needs and didn’t really have time to consider happiness. Especially in a relatively affluent society like ours, so many of our basic needs are taken care of that we have the mental space to pay attention to what’s next. That’s why we become disenchanted with material success and can feel hollow if we don’t have meaningful connections in our life. Often the people that suffer the most in silence are people who appear to have it all and have it all together by society’s standards, but inside they feel unfulfilled, empty, or fear people will find out they’re not actually good enough. If you’re one of these people, you probably feel super guilty that you’re not more satisfied. You probably say: “I should quit complaining. I have so much to be grateful for. I should just stop whining. So many people have it worse than me. I should be happy. What’s wrong with me?” Even worse, if you talk with other people about how you feel unfulfilled or sad, you’re likely to be met with a pretty unsympathetic response. Other people may say, “I wish that was my biggest problem. How hard can it be? You have it all. It must be nice.” This just reinforces your sense of isolation and guilt. Successful yet secretly sad people hide in plain sight. Are you one of these unhappy people hiding behind success and bling who’s actually a shell – hollow and lonely? Are you frightened that people might find out your secret…that you don’t think you’re as great as everyone thinks you are? If so, it’s no coincidence you’re reading this article today. You’re in the right place at the right time. I can help. What makes happiness so illusive, even when it seems like you’re doing everything right? I bet you’ll see yourself somewhere on this list. 1. Are you a Perfectionist? Being so hard on yourself makes it difficult to see what’s actually going well. Force yourself to come up with 1 thing you’re good at. 2. Do you get snared in the “I’ll be happy when…” trap? I’ll be happy when… I get a good jobHave my dream car or houseLoose 10 (or 50!) poundsGet marriedHave a babyETC… What beauty exists in your life now? Look at the mountains or other beauties in nature. Notice a child laughing. What do you have to be happy about right now? 3. Are you pursuing goals, standards for success and achievements that are other people’s expectations for you rather than what truly reflects who you are and what’s important for you? What do you really want? What are you doing when time just flies by? 4. Do you equate value with external stuff?I am my house, job, clothes, car, money, body image, and your children’s successYou have value just because you’re breathing. Your value is in being not doing, earning or achieving. 5. Are you disconnected form your purpose, calling or passion? It’s easy to busy yourself filling your life with what you think you “should” be doing, so you no longer spend time on what truly fills you up inside. What are you passionate about? (If not sure – guess. I bet your guess is right on.) What are you doing when you find time just flies by blissfully? Spend 1 minute a day pursuing your passion. Take a small step today! 6. Have you experienced grief and loss? Very often sadness is the result of losing someone or something important. Perhaps you cling to the pain because you fear you won’t be able to get it back together. Or you believe the pain is the only thing that keeps you connected to what or who you’ve lost. Actually your grief is a signal of how well you loved. You’re perfectly right to crave happiness and miss it when it’s not there. Rather than judge yourself, see this longing for happiness as a wake up call to what’s possible. This is the Universe begging you to realize your capacity to serve and achieve. Life is nudging you to remember what you’re put on this earth to do…to rekindle your purpose and passion for life. If your sadness is related to a loss, your search for happiness is a calling to honor the memory of who or what you’ve lost by adding more meaningful interactions to your life. What message is the Universe trying to send you? This is your wake up call. Reach out for my hand…I will help you get from the sad, heavy, frustrated to happy, successful and peaceful. In the meantime, begin the secret habit that’s shared by happy people. It’s so simple you might not believe it! Happy people make their bed! If you’re not happy yet, act first as happy people do and expect the feelings will follow. Put this practice into place as an invitation to create more happiness in your life. Happy bed making!

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