Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What Would You Do?

Since hearing of my dear friend’s sudden passing a couple weeks ago, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what he might have done differently in the last weeks, months and years if he knew how little time he had left. It’s such a reminder to live each moment to its fullest, choose to let go of regret and with and shower the people you love with love while you still have the time.

If you knew you only had 1 year to live what would you be doing differently?

Are there changes you want to make but keep putting off? You’re not alone! Most people flirt with the idea of doing things differently but fears and doubts hold them back. Are you ever plagued with thoughts about “what people would think” or “it probably won’t work out” or “it’ll cause too much drama.”

Life may have given you plenty of good reasons for holding these beliefs and fears. Yet, if you don’t do anything differently, you’ll be in the same place tomorrow, next week and next year.

Often if people wait for a frightening accident or life-threatening diagnosis to give themselves permission to live more boldly and honor their true voice. Why wait?

If you knew your days were numbered would you to-do list suddenly look much different? Would your actions better reflect your true priorities? Would you spend time with the same people? Would you be more daring? Would you take a leap of faith?

Maybe hug a little more. Nap a little more. Stress a little less.

What things would you not want to leave unsaid or undone? Would you plan an amazing vacation? Would you slow down and notice the natural beauty of nature and good people? Would you care a little less about what people think? What talents or creative interests have you let fall by the way side would you rekindle? Would you let the little things and small minded people matter a little less? Would you say I love you more? Who would you forgive? Who would you stand up to? Be a little more outspoken? Adventuresome? Kind? Fearless? What’s your secret burning desire? Go for it!

If you’d feel justified to make changes if you knew your days were numbered, you already have what it takes to start heading in that direction now. Don’t wait for the Universe to hit you with a 2 x 4. Start today to live each moment to the fullest so no matter how many more days you have left you’ll have no regrets and true bliss along the journey. Begin to live true to yourself rather than other people’s ideas of who and what you should be.

No matter what all our days are numbered, so make the most of each and every one.

To keep fear from stalling you, start small. This weekend, make a point to tell the people you love not only that you love them but why. Then make a list of the top 5 things you’d do in the next year if you knew it was your last. Email me your list! I’d love to see what’s on it! Then take another small step in the direction of living your best life.

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